plantica art shop
大型商業施設やリゾート施設の空間演出、LVMH Group、NIKE、STARBUCKS、TOYOTA などのイベント装花や、CMや広告など多方面で装花ディクションを行っている。
日本が誇る花文化の現在形を世界へ発信するため、国内外問わず精力的に活動している。近年はミラノ万博・日本館の装花を担当(日本館は展示デザイン部門「金賞」受賞)、タイ王国・故プミポン国王の一周忌追悼式典の装花を担当、モナコ公国・カロリーヌ王女主催のフラワーアートイベントに招待されインスタレーションを披露(作品で使用した ikebanakit を献上)。
フランス放送局「Canal Plus」や海外放送「NHK World」「Design Talks」のドキュメンタリー番組に取材されるなど、国内外のメディアからも活動が注目されている。
曾做為新一代的文化人代表,扮演雙面刷毛布大使出演UNIQLO的電視廣告及平面廣告(2009及2014年),也曾被法國電視台「Canal Plus」及海外電視台「NHK World」、「Design Talks」之紀錄片節目取材,動向頗受日本國內外媒體的關注。
We are a creative studio where we connect flowers with art, fashion, lifestyle, as well as designing the space with large scale installation, textile design, product design, to art direction.
We design for large commercial spaces and resort facilities and also do a wide range of flower arrangements for corporate events (LVMH Group, NIKE, STARBUCKS, TOYOTA, etc.), and various floral decorations for commercials or advertisements.
In order to share this proud culture of flower design with the rest of the world, we are actively working to create exposure both in Japan and overseas. These last few years, we have enjoyed several honors.
We created the floral arrangement for the Japan Pavilion at the Milan World Expo, for which we received the gold medal in the exhibition design category. We also provided the flower arrangement for the memorial ceremony for the late King Bhumibol of Thailand, and were invited to create an installation for a flower art event hosted by Princess Caroline of Monaco (and dedicated to the princess a specially made vase used in the work).
PLANTICA has been garnering media attention both domestically and from abroad. Our work has been featured in documentary programs by foreign broadcasting networks like France's "Canal Plus", as well as on NHK World's "Design Talks".